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digiKam 5.5.0 Versions for Windows

View, edit, manage, enhance, tag and share photos, organize them in different albums and sort them easier, create slideshows and edit metadata info. Download digiKam 5.5.0
Current versions listed on Download.io:
digiKam 5.5.0
digiKam 5.5.0
Listed on: Jul. 5, 2020
File: digiKam-5.5.0-01-Win32.exe
Size: 141.37 MBFile: Port to Qt5 and KF5; Replacing digiKam KIOSlaves by a multi-threaded interface to query the database; Replacing Qt5Multimedia dependency by QtAV framework to handle video files; Add embedded trash support for each collection instead desktop trash;
Listed on: Jul. 5, 2020
File: digiKam-5.5.0-01-Win64.exe
Size: 143.17 MBFile: Port to Qt5 and KF5; Replacing digiKam KIOSlaves by a multi-threaded interface to query the database; Replacing Qt5Multimedia dependency by QtAV framework to handle video files; Add embedded trash support for each collection instead desktop trash;