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save2pc Pro 5.58 Reviews for Windows

Easily save desired youtube video to your local PC, iPad, iPhone, Mobile.. Read more about save2pc Pro 5.58
Waste of money; no support after your initial version is obsolete
Added: 27.02.2016 05:49, User: Kurt K.
Reviewed version: 5.44
Rating: Download Download Download Download Download
Long story short, this software works well until the version you buy is upgraded several mo's in and tells your vrs is old and that you need to buy again. Clicking to "Skip The Upgrade" won't even let your version work. If you email Save2PC for help, they just send a link to the new version which rejects the Registration Key you get with the vrs you bought. I've begun to think Kirill Chermenin at Customer Support is just a bot since her responses are basically cookie cutter every time. Find something else (Like the free Orbit Downloader) which will rip almost any streaming video and interfaces with your Firefox and IE.