Developing A Website
Developing A Website 2017.1 for Windows
Coronel Data Processing, LLC
You too can quickly be up and running with a PULLING website!
Creating a website is now a snap with today's easy to use drag and click site builders. You can have a website up and running before you know it. Unfortunately, most websites are not successful! They get very little traffic, if any. It can get frustrating and make you want to throw in the towel and give up on that big dream of yours. Much of the lack of traffic has to do with the design of your website. This includes both what you see and do not see on a web page. The purpose behind our program is to help you 'create a pulling website' that brings in the maximum traffic possible. To do this does not have to be very expensive, intimidating, nor complicated. It is much too easy for us to get distracted and thrown off course during the design and implementation stages of our website. This is especially true if we want it to have all the bells and whistles overnight. Ever wonder why some websites end up on top of the list on a search engine's result page and while other sites do not? A large part of this has to do with the design of the website. While everyone has access to a kitchen and cooking essentials, not everyone knows how to cook. That is why cook books are so popular and packaged food comes with directions on it. Our program can serve as your Web Development Cook Book! There is even a built in database to insure no design essentials ever fall between the cracks. We take a simple approach to the designing and maintaining of a website. We break down the basics and then show you how to design your own site while avoiding many of the pit falls often encountered by the average designer. You will then have the knowledge needed to start designing or enhancing your own website or to work closely with the programmer and technicians doing the work for you. No product to sell, no problem! Our program talks about how to find a product. Download a FREE evaluation copy of our program today!

Software Summary:

You can run Developing A Website on Windows operating systems. Developing A Website is a software product developed by Coronel Data Processing, LLC and it is listed in the category. Developing A Website is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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