App Starter Creator
App Starter Creator for Windows, s.r.o.
App Starter Creator (for x86 and x64 platforms)
App Starter Creator is a free program that lets you make starting module for your applications x86 and x64 under Windows platform. App Starter Creator is particularly useful for creating portable applications. Program description: - After launch detects the version of operating system and then launch the application for x86 or x64 - You can use relative paths, absolute paths, UNC paths and environment variables - Automatically copies the icon from the executable file - Automatically copies version information from the executable file - Optionally you can specify command line parameters - Optionally you can specify run-time environment variables

Software Summary:

You can run App Starter Creator on Windows operating systems. App Starter Creator is a software product developed by, s.r.o. and it is listed in the category. App Starter Creator is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows