Big Faceless Graph Library
Big Faceless Graph Library 2.4 for Windows
Big Faceless Organization
Big Faceless Java Graph Library is a 100% Java class library for creating graphs and charts.
The Big Faceless Java Graph Library is a 100% Java class library for creating graphs and charts. Version 2 of the Graph Library builds on the same full 3D platform and adds a substantial number of new features requested over the last 5 years. Enhancements include JSP Tag Library interface, to allow simple creation of graphs with interactive JavaScript direct from the JSP; extensible XML interface; output to SVG as well as PNG, Flash and PDF; combination of lines, bars or any other type of data on the Axes Graph plotted against up to four axe; logarithmic and "Gap" axes, for plotting large ranges of data; the same extensible Axes, 3D engine and simple design as before; full 3D engine. All graphs are rendered in shaded 3D and may be rotated to any angle. The new Big Faceless Java Graph Library will allow users to create complex graphs with very little code, saving a lot of time and energy.

Software Summary:

You can run Big Faceless Graph Library on Windows operating systems. Big Faceless Graph Library is a software product developed by Big Faceless Organization and it is listed in the category. Big Faceless Graph Library is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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