DVANA Dead Pixel Checker
DVANA Dead Pixel Checker for Windows
Dvana Limited
Systematically find all the dead or broken pixels on your monitor.
Detecting dead pixels on a flat screen monitor is now easy with DVANA Dead Pixel Checker. Simply run the application, there is nothing to install, and test your new monitor. The program will step through the different colors present in the monitor and allows you to visually inspect the panel for defects. Helping to identify, pixels which are stuck on, i.e. always showing a color or, stuck off, never showing that color. Armed with this information, you can see the quality of your panel and maybe if it's bad enough, get a replacement from your supplier. This free utility is designed to help you detect dead pixels and to ensure your monitor is working to its best. Only you can find the dead pixels, so please look carefully. The program cannot detect the dead pixels automatically

Software Summary:

You can run DVANA Dead Pixel Checker on Windows operating systems. DVANA Dead Pixel Checker is a software product developed by Dvana Limited and it is listed in the category. DVANA Dead Pixel Checker is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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