Find Family, Friends, Phone
Find Family, Friends, Phone 8.2 for iOS
Thien Ly
Share Location, Phone Tracker
Share Location App is an app that allows you to easily share your real-time location or locate friends and family by phone number or email address.When you share your location, those you share with can view your real-time location from any web-enabled device, no app or sign up required!Share your location with a family member whos always worried or request location from a friend whos always late. No matter what, Share Location App makes it easy to answer Where are you?.Share Location App features:- Share your real-time location- Easily locate friends and family- Share your location temporarily or permanently- Get directions to friends and family- See past location history- Monitor battery level, driving speed, and weather conditions- Receive alerts when friends or family are nearby- Track a lost or stolen phone- Runs in the background- Works anywhere you have GPS and dataUse Share Location App anytime you need an easy way to share your location or locate friends and family.Download Share Location App today!You can use Share Location App for free or subscribe to Pro and receive unlimited tracking, extended history, and the option to share your real-time location indefinitely, completely ad-free. There is a free 3-day trial for Pro. After the trial ends, the subscription will auto-renew on a monthly or yearly basis. You will receive your first charge 3 days after starting your trial. You can turn off the auto-renew for this subscription at any time by going to your iTunes Account Settings. If you do not want to be billed during your trial, you must turn off auto-renew at least 24 hours before it expires.Share Location App has the following subscriptions:* Pro - 3-day trial, then $69.99/yr* Pro - 3-day trial, then $9.99/moTerms of Use: Policy:

App Summary:

You can run Find Family, Friends, Phone on iOS operating systems. Find Family, Friends, Phone is an app developed by Thien Ly and it is listed in the category. Find Family, Friends, Phone is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

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