Lure: Interactive Chat Stories
Lure: Interactive Chat Stories 3.3.7 for iOS
Choose What Happens Next
Lure features bite-sized chat stories told in the format of a text message conversations, like if you were watching somebody elses messenger app texts. From suspenseful steamy romance conversations to creepy horror stories, Lures chat stories deliver traditional stories in a gripping, engaging new way that will leave you addicted just tap to reveal the next message and watch the episode unfold! Weve taken the fun of engaging with bite-sized content like Snapchat and have used it to deliver text stories in a way that is SNAPPY, SPOOKY, and ADDICTING. Whether you want to squeeze in a quick read on your commute to work, dont have the time to read a long story or you fancy experiencing 21st century storytelling at its finest, Lure has something for you. Weve made reading fun, fast and thoroughly enjoyable come and see what were about! New titles to explore everyday! By using Lure, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:

App Summary:

You can run Lure: Interactive Chat Stories on iOS operating systems. Lure: Interactive Chat Stories is an app developed by RepresentLY and it is listed in the category. Lure: Interactive Chat Stories is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

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