Speedway Fuel & Speedy Rewards
Speedway Fuel & Speedy Rewards 5.1 for iOS
The Speedway app puts convenience in the palm of your hand.
The Speedway app puts convenience in the palm of your hand. The Gas Price/Store Locator gives you a hand in finding the closest convenient Speedway with up-to-date gas prices. Speedy Rewards members can also keep track of points, view club statuses to know when your next free item is coming your way, and keep up on the latest bonus point offers, redemption items, and sweepstakes prizes. Features you'll enjoy: Handy Shake-To-Show card option instantly brings up your Speedy Rewards Card The dedicated Wallet section keeps all your Digital Cards and Coupons in one place. Redeem your Digital Coupons and pay with your Digital Speedy Cash Gift Cards without having to scan your Speedy Rewards card first. Passbook compatibility allows you to add your Speedy Rewards card and Digital Speedy Cash Gift cards to Passbook for quicker access. In-app messages for Rewards and Updates. For more information follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SpeedwayStores

App Summary:

You can run Speedway Fuel & Speedy Rewards on iOS operating systems. Speedway Fuel & Speedy Rewards is an app developed by Speedway and it is listed in the category. Speedway Fuel & Speedy Rewards is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

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