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Tab Utilities
Tab Utilities 1.5.26 for Windows
Customize Firefox browser tabs
Tab Utilities provides you with complete control over your Firefox browser tabs. You can fully customize the opening behavior of new tabs based on the link type (URL, Favorite, History, Search) and define how the should be focused and added to the tab bar. You can also customize tab closing behavior, auto-close unused blank tabs, restore closed tabs, navigate through tabs via keyboard shortcuts or you mouse wheel, and much more. Tab Utilities can even `faviconize` a tab, thereby reducing it to a small icon in the tab bar, or protect selected tabs from being accidentally closed. Tons of other features include custom tab highlighting (set color for tab types) , custom mouse-click menus (access tab history, load URLs from clipboard...), and much more. Excellent add-on for power users!

Software Summary:

You can run Tab Utilities on Windows operating systems. Tab Utilities is a software product developed by ithinc and it is listed in the category. Tab Utilities is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows