7+ Taskbar Tweaker
7+ Taskbar Tweaker 5.8 for Windows
Vasiliy Pupkin
Tweak the Windows 7 taskbar
7+ Taskbar Tweaker is a small tool you can use to tweak the Windows 7 taskbar behavior. Among other things, you can define how applications are grouped, customize left click actions, disable thumbnail previews, set a double-click action for empty space on the taskbar (e.g. Show desktop) and force the combining of grouped items. The program also includes a Taskbar Inspector, a small tool that lets you manage all your current taskbar items.Please note: Due to it's behavior, some anti-virus programs will alert you of a potential threat!

Software Summary:

You can run 7+ Taskbar Tweaker on Windows operating systems. 7+ Taskbar Tweaker is a software product developed by Vasiliy Pupkin and it is listed in the category. 7+ Taskbar Tweaker is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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