Advanced File Security Pro
Advanced File Security Pro 3.1.7 for Windows
Not Available
Professional File Encryption & Security Suite
Encrypt all your files securely, leave no traces behind with new secure file delete, send passwords in a secure way, increase your security of your password with key-extension and experience new mobility with AFS Xpress (Selfextracting Exe) and encrypted, compressed archives! AFS securely and reliably protects any type of data against unauthorized access. Therefore it's using the world-wide standardized, fast and very safe encryption algorithm - AES. AFS is usable with all kind of storage types, especially designed for usage for USB flash drives. But also usable for secure data transfer via eMail. It's a stable, reliable but also lightweight encryption tool, which even runs without installation. And has simple and efficient user interface with windows context menu integration. Especially useful for work with mobile devices (automatic drive letter detection), no installation needed or possibility to copy installation easily. And on top of all fast help support as well.

Software Summary:

You can run Advanced File Security Pro on Windows operating systems. Advanced File Security Pro is a software product developed by Not Available and it is listed in the category. Advanced File Security Pro is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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