Aloaha sign!
Aloaha sign! 6.0.15 for Windows
Wrocklage Intermedia GmbH
Aloaha Sign! was developed to view and validate digital signatures
Aloaha sign! is an excellent tool to validate PDF, d2d, p7m, xmldsig and PKCS #7 signatures. Furthermore it is possible to digitally sign virtually any file type with any native supported smart card. Features: Validation of digital Signatures - PKCS #7 - XMLDSIG - PDF (PKCS #1, PKCS #7 attached und detached) - P7M / SMIME - D2D (Arztbrief / Doctor 2 Doctor Letter) Validation Protocoll: - Online Revocation checks - Offline Revocation checks - OCSP Checks - Certificate status information Please find below a list of some of the 45 native supported cards: - German Health Professional Card (HPC) - German Health Insurance Card (eGK) - Telesec TCOS - Infineon Sicrypt - D-Trust Signature Cards (Micardo and CardOS) - StarCOS - GS1 Signature Card - Belgium e-ID Card (Belpic) - Sparkassen Card (SECCOS) - and lots of more cards

Software Summary:

You can run Aloaha sign! on Windows operating systems. Aloaha sign! is a software product developed by Wrocklage Intermedia GmbH and it is listed in the category. Aloaha sign! is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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