blueshell Data Guy
blueshell Data Guy 2.03.0004 for Windows
HvB Computer Engineering
Universal database editor for Jet (ISAM, Access), Oracle, SQL Server.. using ADO
The blueshell Data Guy is an ADO-based editor for virtually all types of databases. This program supports Jet (Access and ISAMs like dBase, Paradox etc.), Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Sybase and Advantage DB. Additionally you can use other OLEDB or ODBC providers. All connections, schemas, table types and tables are shown using a tree view. You can open a new connection and tables of this connection with a few mouse clicks. You can watch all properties of your opened connections and of the recordsets using bAsk - the "blueshell ADO Survey Kit" included in this program. Enjoy the magic of connectivity! Exchange tables between your Desktop applications like Word, Excel, Outlook, Frontpage etc., your database files (.mdb, .dbf, .xls, .db etc.) and your client-server databases like Oracle, MS SQL Server etc. Nearly everything that can contain a table can be the source or the destination! Import, Export, Copy, Paste, Drag and Drop as you like! The "blueshell Data Guy" uses the atb control from "blueshell Active Tables". A runtime version of this great ActiveX control is included.

Software Summary:

You can run blueshell Data Guy on Windows operating systems. blueshell Data Guy is a software product developed by HvB Computer Engineering and it is listed in the category. blueshell Data Guy is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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