Chameleon Folder Lite
Chameleon Folder Lite for Windows
Chameleon Apps Team
Utility that provides fast access to your most often used and favorite folders.
Chameleon Folder is a handy utility that provides fast access to your most often used and favorite folders. It allows you to make your own menu that consists of your favorite folder paths. Open a Save As/Open dialog or Windows Explorer and click the middle mouse button or rotate mouse wheel in dialogs. Select the appropriate menu item to jump to the corresponding path.

Software Summary:

You can run Chameleon Folder Lite on Windows operating systems. Chameleon Folder Lite is a software product developed by Chameleon Apps Team and it is listed in the category. Chameleon Folder Lite is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows