CodeTwo Outlook Export
CodeTwo Outlook Export for Windows
Export Outlook data to CSV
CodeTwo Outlook Export enables you to quickly and easily export data from a Microsoft Outlook folder to a CSV text file. Unlike the built-in Outlook export function, which is very limited, this program allows you to select the fields that you want to export, including many non-standard and user-defined data fields. CodeTwo Outlook Export integrates into the Outlook toolbar where it displays a small button that will launch the export options for when you click on it. Support export of all Outlook items: Contacts, Calendar, E-mail, Post, Tasks, Journal, Notes.

Software Summary:

You can run CodeTwo Outlook Export on Windows operating systems. CodeTwo Outlook Export is a software product developed by Codetwo and it is listed in the category. CodeTwo Outlook Export is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows