ContactGrabber 3.6.1 for Windows
ibs-quadrat GmbH
Capture address data and transfer them into your CRM system with one click!
Don't want to waste your time with typing addresses? Capture Contacts and Addresses into your addressbook with one click using ContactGrabber! ContactGrabber can handle international addresses too. Use ContactGrabber for saving leads & contacts with one mouseclick from e-mails, websites or other text documents. As target applications you can choose Outlook, Excel, Word, Access, ACT!, CentricCRM, salesForce, MS-CRM, FileMaker, vCard, vtiger, sugarCRM, Lotus Notes, SAP or Outlook Express. The software analyses the adresses and transfers the formatted data to your CRM systems. Outlook Plugin available. Support for WebForms. Don't waste your time with typing any more! Simply select a contact information block from any source (mail, website, or document) and call ContactGrabber. This tool extracts the contact information and adds it into corresponding fields of your CRM automatically. Easily build lead lists from websites and online directories.
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Software Summary:

You can run ContactGrabber on Windows operating systems. ContactGrabber is a software product developed by ibs-quadrat GmbH and it is listed in the category. ContactGrabber is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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