ffDiaporama 2.1.2014.0209 for Windows
ffDiaporama Team
Create video slideshows from photos and movie clips
ffDiaporama enables you to create video presentations or slideshows from your photos, movie clips and background music. You can spice up your slideshow with custom title slides using text, images and animated effects as well as slide and background transitions. If you want quick results, you can simply add your images to the project and create a standard slideshow, or you can customize the look and feel by editing individual slides and apply zoom effects, object rotations, text annotations and other custom effects. The resulting slideshow can be rendered in avi, mpg, mp4, and mkv format. ffDiaporama includes ready-to-use presets for popular mobile devices (Smartphones,portable players etc.), web publishing (Flash,HTML5) and multimedia systems (DVD players, game consoles etc.) with support for HD resolutions.Other features include support for video cutting, image corrections, filters, animation effects and more.

Software Summary:

You can run ffDiaporama on Windows operating systems. ffDiaporama is a software product developed by ffDiaporama Team and it is listed in the category. ffDiaporama is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows