Read the latest headlines and get breaking news from top sources across categories such as finance, entertainment, sports and weather with this free launcher app.
What’s inside:
Comprehensive and engaging news coverage
One-swipe access to latest U.S. and world news updates
Finance, Entertainment, Weather News and more!
Trending news stories from trusted sources
Instant access to latest news videos
Complimentary custom web search
It’s easy and free to install!
📰 Get up-to-the-minute updates
View top news headlines, latest videos, updates and latest developments across various categories. Stay on top of trending news as it unfolds.
✔️ View updates from top news sources
Read breaking news stories and watch trending news videos from popular providers. Tap to select a news provider and get the latest updates from trusted sources.
🌎 U.S. and world news coverage
Get latest updates from across the nation- view photos, articles and videos. Read top world news headlines and know what’s happening around the world.
📱Shortcuts for instant access
It’s now easier to read breaking news. Find shortcuts to top news sources on your homescreen and never miss a story.
✔️ One-swipe menu access
Want updates on your favorite topics? Swipe right to access a menu for weather news, finance news and entertainment news.
⛅ Check daily weather forecast
Daily weather info at your fingertips. Swipe right on your homescreen to view today’s weather updates for your location easily.
🔎 Access customized search
Enjoy easy access to web search from a customized browser. Discover top news, search hot topics and more.
Stay updated on trending news and current events with HomePage News. No sluggish loading, no more missed news stories! Add this FREE app and read top news stories at any time.
About this news launcher:
The HomePage News app has made mobile news browsing more convenient than ever before. You won’t want to miss out on this homescreen experience.
Easy, instant setup: Get faster, one-swipe access to trending news and latest headlines. All you have to do is download the app, complete the install and just swipe right. No additional setup, no long load times. Access top news stories and view news videos from across categories at your fingertips. Make daily news reading a habit, with convenient access from your phone.
100% free installation: This free news app features a stunning design and a clean user interface. Enjoy an evolved news and homescreen experience with this fast and free all-in-one news launcher app. No additional charges, no complicated signup procedure. Install and get latest news updates from almost every corner of the world!
We would love to hear your feedback. If you have recommendations or improvement suggestions, please write to us. Should you no longer wish to use this app, it can be uninstalled at any time.
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