Hydra browser
Hydra browser 1.07 for Windows
Hydra is a web browser, intended to be a good companion to your primary browser
Hydra is loaded with features built right into the software, such as a translator (using three services publicly available - Google, Babelfish and Tranexp), autologger, form filler (sort off...), RSS reader, radio stations chooser, rich sidebar, power search and so on. It comes with predefined favorites consisting of carefully picked sites, most of which tops their category. In fact, Hydra is your 'swiss knife' for the web...

Software Summary:

You can run Hydra browser on Windows operating systems. Hydra browser is a software product developed by Quantum and it is listed in the category. Hydra browser is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows