Insomnia 5.0.10 for Windows
Gregory Schler
Get rid of the specific nuisances behind testing, running and organizing HTTP requests and APIs with the help of this specialized, cross-platform app
Insomnia makes it possible for you to reuse common variables like API keys using environments. Define them globally or switch between sub-environments for a seamless development/production workflow. Insomnia helps you to generate code snippets for over thirty different language libraries, like NodeJS, Go, Swift, Python, Java, C, and others. Specify URL, payload, headers, and authorization all in one place. Then just hit send. Get all the details on every response. View status code, body, headers, cookies, and more! Insomnia enables you to create workspaces or folders, drag-and-drop requests, and easily import and export your data.

Software Summary:

You can run Insomnia on Windows operating systems. Insomnia is a software product developed by Gregory Schler and it is listed in the category. Insomnia is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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