IvyBackup 2.7.0 for Windows
Kudu Computing Ltd
IvyBackup is an extremely easy to use, powerful, smart backup tool for Windows.
IvyBackup is an extremely light-weight, efficient and user friendly smart backup solution. IvyBackup helps you create and schedule smart backups in the shortest time possible. IvyBackup blends the efficiency of smart backups, a unique level of backup customization and an accommodating user interface to allow you to instantly create and automate simple or complex backup tasks with ease. IvyBackup creates three types of backups: 1. Full backups, here every file or folder is backed up. 2. Differential backups, here only the changes since the last full backup are backed up. 3. Incremental backups, here only the changes since that last backup of any type are backed up.

Software Summary:

You can run IvyBackup on Windows operating systems. IvyBackup is a software product developed by Kudu Computing Ltd and it is listed in the category. IvyBackup is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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