JStock for Windows
JStock (Open Source)
Personal stock manager
JStock is a personal stock manager that enables you to manage and analyze your portfolio with near real-time data and Intraday charts. You can add your personal stock transactions to keep track of your gains and losses, dividend payments and broker fees, or just use the software to monitor a selection of stock symbols. JStock also allows you to scan your stocks for indicators that can tell you when it is time to buy or sell a particular stock. The program includes several pre-configured indicators and advanced users can also creator their own with the Indicator Editor. Other features include graphical charts for stock history, portfolio summary and more, stock alerts (email, system tray, SMS) and market chit-chat with other users. JStock supports 23 stock markets in countries around the world.

Software Summary:

You can run JStock on Windows operating systems. JStock is a software product developed by JStock (Open Source) and it is listed in the category. JStock is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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