k2pdfopt GUI
k2pdfopt GUI 1.04.2 for Windows
Jens Wallauer
A graphical user interface for the Kindle PDF Converter k2pdfopt
k2pdfopt GUI is a useful application that was designed to provide you with a front-end for the PDF and DJVU file optimizer that runs via command-line. Capable of batch processing great numbers of Portable Document Format files, k2pdfopt GUI offers users all the functions one would need to obtain the best results after the conversion is complete. 

Software Summary:

You can run k2pdfopt GUI on Windows operating systems. k2pdfopt GUI is a software product developed by Jens Wallauer and it is listed in the category. k2pdfopt GUI is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows