Microsoft Outlook Social Connector
Microsoft Outlook Social Connector for Windows
Stay up-to-the-minute with the people in your networks
The Outlook Social Connector lets you stay up-to-the-minute with the people in your networks by accessing everything from e-mail threads to status updates in one single, centralized view. The Outlook Social Connector allows you to synchronize your contact data right into Outlook and obtain information about your friends and colleagues. See status updates from various networks and recently posted files. Easily track your communication history. Use the Outlook Social Connector to display a quick view of related Outlook content when you click on an email from a contact, such as recent e-mail conversations, meetings, and shared attachments

Software Summary:

You can run Microsoft Outlook Social Connector on Windows XP/Vista/7 operating systems. Microsoft Outlook Social Connector is a software product developed by Microsoft and it is listed in the category. Microsoft Outlook Social Connector is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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