Music Content Inspector
Music Content Inspector 1.01 for Windows
Sloud Inc.
Music Content Inspector helps you find duplicate MP3 (ogg, aac, mp4, m4a) files in your collection.
Unlike other tools that compare file sizes, names and/or tags, Music Content Inspector analyzes the actual content of the file (it `listens` to a portion of the file) and can thereby identify duplicates even if the file names and size are different or the tags are missing. The program also produces a statistical report for the number of files in your collection, their quality, tag integrity and audio formats. Other features include a built-in tag editor and a file manager.

Software Summary:

You can run Music Content Inspector on Windows operating systems. Music Content Inspector is a software product developed by Sloud Inc. and it is listed in the category. Music Content Inspector is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows