Night City 3D Screensaver
Night City 3D Screensaver 1.4 for Windows
Astro Gemini Software
Take a fascinating flyby tour of the night city. The bright lights are inviting!
The bright lights of the night city are inviting! This fascinating animated 3D screensaver will take you on a fly-by tour around the streets of the city that never goes to sleep. The dazzling neon signs and the brilliantly floodlit buildings produce a powerful effect against the dark of the sky above. Take a look at night life from a distance and enjoy watching the alluring urban nightscape over the water. The screensaver features extremely realistic innovative 3D graphics with the latest Vertex and Pixel shaders. Beautiful ambient music perfectly compliments the scenery. Enjoy the splendor of the city at night!

Software Summary:

You can run Night City 3D Screensaver on Windows operating systems. Night City 3D Screensaver is a software product developed by Astro Gemini Software and it is listed in the category. Night City 3D Screensaver is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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