OB Template Phrases
OB Template Phrases 1.7.0 for Windows
OB Utilities
Insert frequently used phrases or blocks of text in Microsoft Outlook.
Insert frequently used phrases or blocks of text with a couple of clicks in your messages In Outlook. Eliminate the tedious, repetitive typing and misprints in your message. Save your time and make the creation of professional looking messages a breeze. Just select the text you want to be saved as a template, click on the created toolbar buttons and you're ready. The user friendly interface will get you started in seconds and the powerful import and export functions will make your saved templates easily transferable.

Software Summary:

You can run OB Template Phrases on Windows operating systems. OB Template Phrases is a software product developed by OB Utilities and it is listed in the category. OB Template Phrases is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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