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pdf2picture 12.0 for Windows
Visual Integrity
pdf2picture transforms PDF into editable vector objects or stunning images
pdf2picture is a handy and inexpensive application that transforms PDF into all standard Microsoft Office graphics formats. It operates in either vector or bitmap mode. Choose vector mode to extract editable graphic objects and text which can be modified using drawing tools in Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Visio, and other Windows applications. Bitmap mode generates impressive, high-fidelity images. It's the only PDF graphics converter that you will need. Try it free for 30-days! pdf2picture operates on any PDF file you receive. In no time, you'll be able to repurpose PDF illustrations or charts in PowerPoint or modify network diagrams in Visio. You'll free time previously spent redrawing these pictures while improving accuracy and scale. pdf2picture will quickly and convert your PDF files into the native Microsoft vector metafile formats (WMF, EMF, SVG or EPS) so you can edit both the objects and the text. It can also generate standard image formats (GIF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and BMP) for desktop or website publishing. The key to successfully using PDF in Windows applications is knowing what type of PDF file you are starting with. There are two basic types - vector and raster. In vector mode, pdf2picture can extract the text and objects so you can change attributes of objects such as color, size or scale. In raster mode, also known as image or bitmap mode, it will transform both vector and raster PDF files into high-fidelity images, at the ideal resolution, to spice up your documents and presentations. With pdf2picture, you'll add an invaluable tool to your work environment. Using it, you'll be able to convert any PDF file that you receive into the most ideal format for Microsoft Office and other popular applications. It's practical and it saves time. Try it today!

Software Summary:

You can run pdf2picture on Windows operating systems. pdf2picture is a software product developed by Visual Integrity and it is listed in the category. pdf2picture is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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