PokeNurse 2.3.1 for Windows
Manage your Pokemon Go pokemon from your desktop
PokeNurse is a desktop application that allows you to manage your pokemon from Pokemon Go without the need to use your mobile device. You can now favorite, transfer, and evolve your pokemon from the comfort of your Windows desktop.PokeNurse provides you with a list of all your pokemon, along with their Pokedex Number, Name, CP and IV. You can sort the list by criteria and select one or more pokemon to transfer, favorite or evolve.

Game Summary:

You can run PokeNurse on Windows operating systems. PokeNurse is a game developed by duhminick and it is listed in the category. PokeNurse is a free game and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this game.

Alternatives in on Windows