Popcorn for Windows
Popcorn integrates VLC, Winamp and MPC through YouTube and Vimeo to Facebook
Popcorn is a desktop Windows application that executes discreetly on the system tray. It can retrieve what VLC, Winamp and Media Player Classic are playing, performs a search to YouTube and Vimeo and enables you to post the video you select to Facebook. You can edit the search query, perform an independent video search and add a comment to the Facebook post. Additionally, you can use Popcorn as an embedded video player without having to open your web browser. Popcorn works in the same manner, either for songs or for videos. Having a music playlist on the background? Grab what's playing and post it. Seeing a movie you like and want to post it? Grab it and post it. Perhaps you are interested in watching the movie's trailers? Grab, edit, add the word 'trailer' and search! Future versions will include additional metadata information for music and videos.

Software Summary:

You can run Popcorn on Windows operating systems. Popcorn is a software product developed by dimos.xxx and it is listed in the category. Popcorn is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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