Shazam: Music Discovery
Shazam: Music Discovery 14.3 for iOS
Shazam Entertainment
Find songs, video & lyrics
Shazam will identify any song in seconds. Discover artists, lyrics, videos & playlists, all for free.Over 1 billion installs and counting!Shazam is an app that feels like magic -Techradar.comShazam is a gift... a game changer -Pharrell Williams, GQ WHY YOULL LOVE ITFind the name of any song in seconds.Listen and add to Apple Music or Spotify playlists.Follow along with time-synced lyrics.Watch music videos from Apple Music or YouTube.Shazam in Dark Mode.SHAZAM ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIMEGet it on Apple Watch, iMessage, Mac, or iPad.No connection? No problem! Shazam while offline.Turn on Auto Shazam to keep finding songs even when you leave the app.WHAT ELSE?Find out what is popular in your country or city with Shazam charts.Get recommended songs and playlists to discover new music.Open any song directly in Apple Music or Spotify.Share songs with friends through Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and more.THOUSANDS OF 5-STAR REVIEWSOMG... this app will blow your press the Shazam button and boom, you got the name of the song.So helpful in finding good and new music you truly love.I literally find my song in 1 second"I love Shazam...It is helping me build a great playlist of songs I dont recognize right off hand.This app is literally part of my daily routineThis is the bestest app ever PEOPLE! If you want to know the name of a song or artist, this is the app you want.Love the smooth integration to my Apple Music...Love the lyrics section!!! The lyrics match the words of the songShazam is THE fastest way to discover music!---Availability and features may vary by country.For more information on Shazams privacy practices, please read the Privacy Policy, available at

App Summary:

You can run Shazam: Music Discovery on iOS operating systems. Shazam: Music Discovery is an app developed by Shazam Entertainment and it is listed in the category. Shazam: Music Discovery is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

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