Simple x264 Launcher
Simple x264 Launcher 2.37.852 for Windows
A very simple GUI for x264 encoder that allows using 64-Bit x264 with 32-Bit Avisynth
Simple x264 Launcher is a simple GUI for the x264 encoder that allows you to encode multimedia files using Avisynth. It also supports queuing (batch encoding) and can optionally use 64-Bit Avisynth. Of course this program also runs under 32-Bit Windows, but all 64-Bit features will be disabled on 32-Bit systems.

Software Summary:

You can run Simple x264 Launcher on Windows operating systems. Simple x264 Launcher is a software product developed by Mulder and it is listed in the category. Simple x264 Launcher is a free software product listed under The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) license which means that it is fully functional for an unlimited time and that you have freedom to run, study, share (copy), and modify the software.

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