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Smart Calendar Software
Smart Calendar Software 5.2.1 for Windows
Evinco Solutions Limited
Prepare and generate your event calendar
Smart Calendar software help you to prepare and generate Event Calendar. You can type your events into calendar quickly and easily. It works like a traditional calendar. You choose the months for the calendar, and you will be provided with different day boxes to fill your events. You can easily input recurring events into calendar. The style of the boxes, include background color, font size, color, style and alignment can be adjusted. You can use different colors or font style to highlight your special events. Smart Calendar supports different paper sizes: A3, A4, A5, Legal and Letter. You can export the calendar with A4 or A5 paper and used as desktop calendar. You can also change the paper size to A3 and print the large calendar, and stick it on the wall. Calendar can be printed in portrait or landscape mode. You can export the calendar into PDF or HTML format for sharing with your colleagues. The calendar can also be exported into Excel format for futher process. With one click, the calendar can be exported as PDF attachment in email.

Software Summary:

You can run Smart Calendar Software on Windows operating systems. Smart Calendar Software is a software product developed by Evinco Solutions Limited and it is listed in the category. Smart Calendar Software is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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