Sudoku: Logic Brain Training
Sudoku: Logic Brain Training 12.8 for iOS
Stefan Hoppe
Find your zen
Sudoku: Logic Brain Training is the ideal puzzle game for beginners and experts alike. Solve sudokus from easy to extreme. Take notes and use hints to help you crack difficult puzzles.Track your progress and see how your skills grow over time.Train your brain and improve your memory without even thinking about it.KEY FEATURES Learn to master five levels of difficulty Customize your look-and-feel Take notes and use hints Draw numbers with Apple Pencil too Replay and auto-solve sudokus Choose your color theme Visualize your stats and achievementsAre you up for the challenge? Download Sudoku: Logic Brain Training and find out!Terms of Service: Privacy Policy:

App Summary:

You can run Sudoku: Logic Brain Training on iOS operating systems. Sudoku: Logic Brain Training is an app developed by Stefan Hoppe and it is listed in the category. Sudoku: Logic Brain Training is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

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