Video Rotator and Flipper
Video Rotator and Flipper 3.6 for Windows
4dots Software
Batch rotate video or flip video to fix them with preview. Multilingual.
Rotate videos or flip videos with preview to fix them and view them correctly. Batch rotate many videos also. Have you ever captured video with your cell phone or camcorder only to discover when you play it back on your computer that the video is rotated 90 degrees? Or maybe you shot it that way on purpose because you preferred portrait style to a landscape view? Then this application is for you. It will fix your videos easily with just a few clicks. With Video Rotator and Flipper you can rotate 90 degrees left, rotate 90 degrees right, rotate 180 degrees, flip horizontally or flip vertically videos. Supports more than 10 video formats and you can preview the result with an inbuilt-player. The application is multilingual and translated into 38 languages. To sum up, Video Rotator and Flipper is the best choice if you want a simple, multilingual application that will fix and batch rotate or flip your cell phone's, camcorder's or other videos so that they can be displayed correctly.. Supported Video Formats : MP4,WMV,FLV,AVI,MPEG,MOV,MKV,3GP,SWF and VOB.

Software Summary:

You can run Video Rotator and Flipper on Windows operating systems. Video Rotator and Flipper is a software product developed by 4dots Software and it is listed in the category. Video Rotator and Flipper is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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