Yapbam 0.18.7 for Windows
Jean-Marc Astesana
Accessible account management tool
You can easily import your bank transactions from your previous account manager or from your bank online statements to Yapbam. It helps you to quickly enter your transactions with its entry wizard. It automatically generates your periodical transactions (salary, taxes, etc...) Yapbam builds your account's balance history and throws alerts when it becomes negative. The program creates instantaneously budget view and category-wise charts of your expenses. At last, Yapbam provide you with a currency converter connected through the Internet to the official ECB (European Central Bank) rates. Yapbam is an easy-to-use, handy personal bank account manager.

Software Summary:

You can run Yapbam on Windows operating systems. Yapbam is a software product developed by Jean-Marc Astesana and it is listed in the category. Yapbam is a free software product listed under The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) license which means that it is fully functional for an unlimited time and that you have freedom to run, study, share (copy), and modify the software.

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