15-Puzzle 1.0 for Windows
Three6Nine Studio - Software Development Agency
15-Puzzle are entertainment software based on "sliding numbers" game.
15-Puzzle are entertainment software based on "sliding numbers" game. The object of the puzzle is to get all tiles in the correct order. The moves are made by sliding counters into empty square. The lower number of moves the better your score is! This game was invented in 1870s by Newyorker Noyes Chapman and was as popular worldwide as Rubik's cube a century later.

Game Summary:

You can run 15-Puzzle on Windows operating systems. 15-Puzzle is a game developed by Three6Nine Studio - Software Development Agency and it is listed in the category. 15-Puzzle is a free game and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this game.

Alternatives in on Windows