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ActMask ALL2PDF PDF Creator
ActMask ALL2PDF PDF Creator 3.189 for Windows
ActMask Co.,Ltd
Convert file to PDF document from any application by simply printing
ActMask ALL2PDF PDF Creator is a software product that can convert all files (MS Office Document, .txt, .wri, .doc, .ppt, .xls, .htm, .jpg etc.) to PDF format by printing to ActMask ALL2PDF PDF Creator Printer simply from any Windows application. Highlight Features 1. Convert files to professional-quality searchable PDF format (or Image) from any Windows application that supports printing. 2. More Clear Font than other PDF software. 3. Simple and convenient user operations. Pick up file name from printer stream automatically, and then set as default output Document name. 4. Create you own PDF Document Description (Title, Author, Subject, Keywords ...). 5. 40 / 128 bits PDF encryption (security) support. 6. PDF Version 1.2 - 1.5 support. 7. PDF Document Restriction (Permission) support. 8. PDF Document Owner Password and Reader Password support. 9. PDF Optimization options support. 10. PDF content, resolution and image compression support. 11. Font embedding support. 12. Show conversion progress. How to use ALL2PDF PDF Creator After the installation, there will be a new printer in your system, the printer name is "ActMask Document Converter", it is not a real printer, but works like a printer. When you want convert document (for example, .txt, .wri, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .mdb, .jpg, .tif, gif, .png or other format) to PDF, just print the document to the ActMask Document Converter. Click "Advanced Settings" button, you can set the PDF filename, properties, like font embedding, or encryption. Our software will receive the printing commands and convert them in the PDF or image formats (JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, TGA, PCX, EMF, or SPL).

Software Summary:

You can run ActMask ALL2PDF PDF Creator on Windows operating systems. ActMask ALL2PDF PDF Creator is a software product developed by ActMask Co.,Ltd and it is listed in the category. ActMask ALL2PDF PDF Creator is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows