Adelantado Trilogy: Book One
Adelantado Trilogy: Book One Demo for Windows
Big Fish Games, Inc.
Find riches and glory with Adelantado!
Discover the fabulous secrets that a jungle hides in Adelantado Trilogy: Book One! Help the brave and noble officer, Don Diego De Leon, to find and save the lost expedition. Befriend the natives who can be of valuable assistance to you. Help them as you restore buildings, harvest foods, and create a settlement. Upgrade your skills and earn fabulous trophies. Treasures await you in this exciting Strategy game!
Vast level maps
Non-linear missions
Plentiful side-quests

Game Summary:

You can run Adelantado Trilogy: Book One on Windows operating systems. Adelantado Trilogy: Book One is a game developed by Big Fish Games, Inc. and it is listed in the category. Adelantado Trilogy: Book One is licensed as Shareware which means that the game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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