American Pickers: The Road Less Traveled
American Pickers: The Road Less Traveled Demo for Windows
Big Fish Games, Inc.
Become an American Picker!
Become an American Picker! Travel America?s back roads with Mike and Frank, uncovering valuable relics stashed in junk piles, barns and garages. Look for Hidden Objects with historical, collectible and pop culture value and turn rust to riches! Each time you take an American treasure to the shop, you?ll earn more money to go picking. Get tips from the show?s cast to help you master the American Picker game.
Uncover valuable relics
Turn rust to riches!
Become an American Picker!

Game Summary:

You can run American Pickers: The Road Less Traveled on Windows operating systems. American Pickers: The Road Less Traveled is a game developed by Big Fish Games, Inc. and it is listed in the category. American Pickers: The Road Less Traveled is licensed as Shareware which means that the game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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