Advanced TIFF Editor for Windows
Graphic-Region Development
Adv. TIFF Editor is a tif, pdf, eps, ai, fax, dcx viewer, editor and converter.
Advanced TIFF Editor is a multipage TIF, PDF, EPS, PS, AI, DCX, FAX, JBIG, DICOM viewer, editor and converter, offers you a full solution for viewing, editing, printing, saving, converting. Advanced TIFF Editor can show all kinds of FAX images, multipage FAX and TIFF images. Advanced TIFF Editor supports many FAX file formats. Images viewed on the screen can be sent directly to any printer supported by your operating system. Size, area and position are adjusted using a comfortable printer dialog. Advanced TIFF Editor can convert TIFF and FAX files to standard TIFF/FAX format, JPEG format (RGB, GrayScale, YCbCr, CMYK, YCbCrK), PNG, BMP, PCX, GIF, DIB, RLE, TGA (TARGA, VDA, ICB, VST, PIX), Portable Bitmap PBM, PDF, PS. Advanced TIFF Editor can edit loaded images - extract, move, insert, delete, rotate, flip, invert pages, insert text, erase, correct. You can send the fax by printing to the FAX printer (Windows NT Fax Driver). Supported the input image file formats - TIF, PDF, EPS, PS, AI, DCX, FAX, GIF. Supported the output image file formats - TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PCX, DIB, FAX, RLE, TGA, PBM, PGM and PPM. View functions - Scrolling (using cursor control keys, scrollbars), zooming (plus/minus keys, menufunctions or drawing a rectangular area), antialiasing, rotation (90 and 180), flip, invert. Print functions - Optimized to page size, arbitrary area/size/position, print preview. Special functions - TIFF tag analyzer and editor (individual tags). Twain Support for scanners and cameras.
Software Summary:
You can run Advanced TIFF Editor on Windows operating systems. Advanced TIFF Editor is a software product developed by Graphic-Region Development and it is listed in the category. Advanced TIFF Editor is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited.
You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.