AmoK Exif Sorter
AmoK Exif Sorter 2.8.0 for Windows
Amok - The Art Of Coding
Organize photos based on EXIF data
AmoK Exif Sorter is a java-based application that enables you to copy, move and rename your photos based on information contained in the EXIF and IPTC data. The program can automatically generate folder structures and file names based on dates, camera model, exposure and other technical details. You can create custom profiles for multiple cameras, preview the new file paths in real-time, and process sub-directories. The program can be used to copy images from your camera or memory card and automatically organize them on your hard drive, or to re-organize existing images in your local folders.

Software Summary:

You can run AmoK Exif Sorter on Windows operating systems. AmoK Exif Sorter is a software product developed by Amok - The Art Of Coding and it is listed in the category. AmoK Exif Sorter is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows