Engelmann Media Android Converter
Engelmann Media Android Converter 2 for Windows
Engelmann Media GmbH
Convert music, videos and photos for your Android-device!
Android Converter enables you to create video clips and audio- and photo files for your Android-based mobile- or smartphone. With just a few mouse clicks and by using DVD-videos (or single chapters) and video files of different formats and resolutions you create video clips for your Android-Gadget. Another option is the conversion of nearly all audio files (including DRM-protected ones), DVD-music tracks, clips of video platforms and audio-CDs to Android-compatible music files. Android Converter Highlights: - Android Converter compresses videos of nearly all source formats to Android-compatible clips. The application supports reading and conversion of DVD-videos, single DVD-chapters as well as video formats AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, VOB, MPG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2,) and MPEG-4 (DivX 3.11 to 6, Xvid, Nero Digital etc.) and MJPEG. - Android Converter rips audio-CDs, Internet-video streams and DVD-audio tracks. Android Converter-created videos are compatible to all Android-based devices. - DRM-protected audio files can also be converted without problems. The software analogously records the respective songs during playback. - Android Converter not only converts audio- and video data but also the most common image formats. - For problem-free and automated creation of videos, songs and photos, Android Converter provides integrated profiles for resolution, picture quality, bit- and frame rates and others, which are factory-adjusted to guarantee the correct settings but which the user also can adjust. - Video-conversion automatically considers the correct aspect ratio. Capable filters ensure optimum results when enlarging or reducing images. - The program-integrated player enables you to view or hear all files to be converted and the chapters of a DVD-video prior to conversion.

Software Summary:

You can run Engelmann Media Android Converter on Windows operating systems. Engelmann Media Android Converter is a software product developed by Engelmann Media GmbH and it is listed in the category. Engelmann Media Android Converter is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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