Ashampoo Photo Commander
Ashampoo Photo Commander 16.1.2 for Windows
Not Available
The ideal solution to present, edit and organize your photos
The new Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 is a powerful all-in-one solution to view, edit and organize your photos. Features include automatic image optimization plus manual effects and various tools to recover faded images, remove scratches, fix red eyes and eliminate digital noise. The integrated batch processing is ideal for large numbers of images and supports conversion as well as common image manipulation features. Users can also create individual collages, calendars and photo cards based on multiple included templates and frame designs for quick results. Geotagging support makes it easy to search images and visualize their locations on a map and various advanced filter and grouping modes help with keeping track of huge collections. The program also features a presentation with resolutions up to 4K for smooth presentations across multiple displays. Slideshows with seamless transitions and background music can also be created. - Automatic image correction and optimization - also for folders - Ready-to-use and individually customizable greeting cards, web albums and calendars - Adaptive menus for quick access to your favorite features - Perfect panorama feature for widescreen pictures - Slideshows with huge resolutions up to 4K - Auto-recovery for overexposed, faded images - Cut out persons and objects with ease

Software Summary:

You can run Ashampoo Photo Commander on Windows operating systems. Ashampoo Photo Commander is a software product developed by Not Available and it is listed in the category. Ashampoo Photo Commander is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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