Basketball Kings: Multiplayer
Basketball Kings: Multiplayer 1.27 for Android
Casual Monster
Join the most addicting multiplayer basketball game!
Take part in the most addictive basketball game!
Refine your skills in 6 different game modes, unlock achievements and win trophies
Choose from 5 unique characters, 20+ balls, 30+ jerseys, even courts.
Challenge your friends, show off your skills & style
For a real challenge, enter multi-player rooms and compete against thousands of real people from all around the world.

Shine amongst others and become the King of Kings !

Outstanding 3D graphics
Easy to play, hard to master gameplay
Unique and interactive courts
Many multi-player rooms with various & high rewards

App Summary:

You can run Basketball Kings: Multiplayer on Android operating systems. Basketball Kings: Multiplayer is an app developed by Casual Monster and it is listed in the category. Basketball Kings: Multiplayer is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

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