CDBF Shell
CDBF Shell 1.11 for Windows
WhiteTown Software
CDBF Shell extension allows you to view content or structure of DBF files.
The CDBF Shell extension allows you to view content or structure of DBF files in the Properties window without opening them. CDBF Shell allows you: copy to the clipboard selected records. copy to the clipboard structure of the table. hide or show deleted records. sort DBF file by clicking on a column header. set default order of records. switch Ansi/OEM charset (Autodetect Ansi/OEM is available, too). The CDBF Shell extension supports dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro and dBase Level 7formats.

Software Summary:

You can run CDBF Shell on Windows operating systems. CDBF Shell is a software product developed by WhiteTown Software and it is listed in the category. CDBF Shell is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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