Clicky Gone Portable
Clicky Gone Portable for Windows
Clicky Gone
No need to close an application, just hide it from view.
No need to close an application, just hide it from view. Clicky Gone is an advanced windows hiding utility that gives many possibilities to hide windows from view withough closing them. It gives you extra control of your desktop. We have all been troubled by applications that refuse to minimise when they are performing lengthy task (ie, video encoding) and by the passing bodies when doing personal stuff, playing flash games on [url removed] when you should be working. Clicky Gone can help you with all your privacy concerns and desktop spring cleaning. Its no minimizer, its a hider.

Software Summary:

You can run Clicky Gone Portable on Windows operating systems. Clicky Gone Portable is a software product developed by Clicky Gone and it is listed in the category. Clicky Gone Portable is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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