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FairStars Recorder
FairStars Recorder 4.00 for Windows
FairStars Soft
Audio recorder with support for WMA, MP3, OGG, APE, FLAC and WAV formats.
FairStars Recorder is a real-time audio recorder, offering professional recording features with full support for WMA, MP3, OGG, APE, FLAC and WAV formats. It allows you to record sound directly from your sound card, including from a microphone or a line-in jack at high quality. It can be used to grab any sound, including music, dialogs from movies, game sounds, streaming audio or anything else. The captured sound can be saved directly without the need for temporary files. Additional features include silent skip, file size limits, recording wizard, recording schedule, tag editor, audio cutter and more. Main Features : . Record audio from sound card directly to WMA, MP3, OGG, APE, FLAC or WAV format with high quality. . Record sound directly from plackback device(only for Vista or later). . Real-time sound monitor before recording, easy to select record device and adjust the volume(you may enable it on the Advance page of Record Option panel). . Skip silent passages, stop recording or record to a new file automatically after a set time silence (Silent Detector). . Stop recording or record to a new file automatically when reaching a set file length, size or time (File Limitation). . Add files to File List automatially (File Append). . Remove environmental noise automatically with the option Filters Setting. . Support writing of ID3 tag when recording and showing when playback. . Support ID3 tag view, import, edit, or transfer to the file in File List with TAG Editor and Tag Option. . Recording Schedule for automatic recordings. . Audio Cutter for cuting audio files. . Easy Set feature for silent sensitivity. . Recording Wizard for beginner. . Easy-to-use user-friendly interface, and skin support. . Record control with hotkey.

Software Summary:

You can run FairStars Recorder on Windows operating systems. FairStars Recorder is a software product developed by FairStars Soft and it is listed in the category. FairStars Recorder is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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