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FoxPDF PDF Editor Standard
FoxPDF PDF Editor Standard for Windows
FoxPDF Software Inc
FoxPDF PDF Editor can edit and convert Adobe PDF and Office Word file format.
FoxPDF PDF Editor is an All-in-One PDF Creator, PDF Editor, Word Editor. You can edit and convert Microsoft Office Word(Docx, Doc), Rtf, Txt file to Adobe PDF Format or Word Format. Supports Open and Edit Microsoft Offfice Word , Rtf, Txt document formats to Adobe PDF Formats. Support open and edit a variety of file formats to Adobe PDF Format. Supports Open and Edit Microsoft Office Word 2010/2007(DOCX), Word 2003/2000/97(Doc), Rtf, Txt file and You can save file to Adobe PDF Format. PDF Editor Ultimate is not only a PDF editor, and also a Word Editor You can open in Microsoft Word 2010(Docx), Word 2007(Doc), Word 2003(Doc), Word 2000(Doc) and Word 97(Doc) file format. And through the editing of PDF Editor, you can save as Word file (Docx, Doc). Convert various file formats to Adobe PDF Formats Common File Including Microsoft Office Word(Doc, Docx), Rich Text Format (RTF), Text Format (Txt), Hyper Text Markup Language (Htm, Html), Windows Bitmap (BMP), JPEG Compressed Image (JPG, JPEG, JP2) to Adobe PDF Format. PDF Security and Language You can set output PDF open password. PDF Editor is a multilingual software, including English, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Japanese. Multi-language support allows you to use more friendly. [url removed]

Software Summary:

You can run FoxPDF PDF Editor Standard on Windows operating systems. FoxPDF PDF Editor Standard is a software product developed by FoxPDF Software Inc and it is listed in the category. FoxPDF PDF Editor Standard is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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